How To Unlock/Reset Your Android Password Pattern
Android offers various locking methods for our devices: the release ring
(which itself has no code because we just slide the ring to a corner) a PIN ,
facial recognition and finally unlock pattern. I would say that the latter is
but the one of the most used. Protect our devices with a lock code is basic to
safeguard our information in case of theft or loss. But what happens if we
forget the unlock pattern?
A few months ago, while travelling, a family friend of mine had the following
problem: her daughter had been playing with the tablet and had set an unlock
pattern. Later did not remember the unlock pattern, and made a number of
attempts … the tablet remained locked !!!!
In this post we will explain in the most enjoyable way possible methods
at our disposal to remedy this. A peculiarity of the case was that , the user
does not know the password and G.Mail user who was configured your terminal, so
we should use a more aggressive method to unlock. Here we go:
1) Recovery 1- with gmail account:
When we did the “X” failed attempts, the first thing that appears to us
to fix the mess is to unlock the tablet by inserting our Gmail account (which
we configured on the device to access Google Play . Keep in mind that the tablet
must be connected to internet, and if this is not connected can not be set any
connection, since this, as we know, is blocked. If we are lucky with this step
everything will be solved. But we must move ahead:
2 ) Eliminate the file gesture.key file system :
Before flashing a new ROM on your tablet or phone or make a hard reset
(with these methods lose all our information) will try to delete the file
gesture.key file system device. If we can eliminate it, the tablet will be
unlocked instantly. This file is generated to set the unlock pattern our
terminal, and is located inside the folder data / system / gesture.key . This
method works on a lot of devices and although at first may seem complex, if we
follow the steps properly there should be no problem. Now we will teach you how
to access and delete this file and solving unlocking:
3) The tablet must be rooted with debug mode enabled:
An indispensable condition to perform this process is that the tablet is
rooted. If not we try another method . Please note that many tablets (mostly of
Chinese origin as Woo Prolink or Comet ) come rooteadas factory, so if you have
not rooted does not mean it is not.
The other requirement is that we have turned the USB debugging mode .
This condition is essential to control the tablet via ADB as discussed below.
The tablets we’ve said before also come with this option enabled factory.
If we fulfill these requirements, we must now connect the device to PC
via USB. Access Root and USB debugging mode enabled will allow us to manage our
device from your computer using ADB, access the file system and delete the
gesture.key .
4) Install the drivers in the device on the PC.
The next step is to have the right drivers installed for your device on
our PC. If you do not have installed properly, we can not control our Android
through commands, because this will not be recognized.
If you have done ROOT device securely in your hand and you will have the
drivers installed properly on your PC . Otherwise, you can use this simple
utility . Once the drivers are properly installed and can proceed to the last
5) Delete the file gesture.key
If you are able to delete the file gesture.key and unlock our device. You will need to have installed in the piece the ADB (Android Device Bug) . Once
installed, and with the USB connected, we will go to the folder platform-tools
within the ADB folder that will be generated on the desktop and within it .’ll
open a command window Open a command window inside a folder is simple: we just
press the right mouse button on the folder you wish Shift while clicking on the
dropdown menu and choose “Open command window here”.
In the command window will stick this code and will press enter :
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key
adb shell reboot
Your device will restart and be no longer be blocked . The next step you
have to perform is to go to settings, locking method, and remove the pattern.
If this system will not result, we move on to the next step.
6) Hard Reset
If the above method does not serves you because your terminal is not rooted and I shall have resigned to losing your information and having to reconfigure your device from scratch, make a Hard Reset is an easy and effective way to let your device as coming from factory. To do this you must enter into recovery mode of the device.
If the above method does not serves you because your terminal is not rooted and I shall have resigned to losing your information and having to reconfigure your device from scratch, make a Hard Reset is an easy and effective way to let your device as coming from factory. To do this you must enter into recovery mode of the device.
We can usually access the recovery mode is pressed while booting the
terminal while turning button + volume down , but can vary depending on the
brand of terminal. It is easy to find on the internet which is the combination
of buttons on each terminal to access the recovery . Once inside, we only
choose the option wipe data / factory reset that will return our Android to its
original state.
If you want it in a SHORT CUT !!! here it is ..............
Step 1: Connect your Android Phone to Your Computer.
Step 2 : Open command prompt as administrator.
Step 3 : Now in command prompt window type the following code carefully exactly as it is and then press enter.
adb shell
cd /data/data/
sqlite3 settings.db
update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';
Step 4 : Now you will some screen as shown below and then you can reboot your phone and now when your will start again then try unlocking your phone using any random lock pattern and it will work pretty fine.
Step 5 : If you face any problem repeat same steps but instead of the above code try using adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key and then press enter and now try rebooting your device to see if it works.
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